1 .Even so subtle and careful an observer as Henry James,though he lived in England for forty years, never managed tocreate an Englishman who was through and through English.
2. There was an interesting adornment to the plan called"Operation Greif", which seems to have been Hitlers brainchild.
3. It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.
4. Byron's father, by his first marriage, had a daughter,Augusta, Byron's half-sister. (Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia)
5. He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge,where, amongst other eccentricities,he kept a bear.
6. China has repeatedly been invaded, but each time it hasabsorbed the invaders and eventually converted them. Overthe centuries this has produced a sort of stoicism.(R. Nixon)
7. Cumulatively,because of its sustained quality, the pressurecould pose serious problems for us in the early 80s unless wetake matching steps.
8. They (powerful words) can drive men to madness. They mayinspire them, schizophrenically,to acts of self-sacrifice.
9. Of course the ambivalent critics are right when they say thatthey only have been peering at him through a haze of illusion.
10. was rebuffed and I spent a grim and tragic Christmas Eve inthose most unchristian surroundings.